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Marie Schoeff

Mrs. Schoeff

Mrs. Gravitz's room two chose to interview Mrs. Schoeff

Marie Schoeff does charcoal art and just regular art too, like painting. Her paintings are very good. She showed us some of her paintings on slides. There was a painting of a dog in a house, an avocado, a hurricane, a bell and a boot. They're all very good.

Question: Did you always want to be an artist? When did you know you were going to be an artist?

Answer: I wanted to be an artist when I was 17 years old. When I was 25 years old, in Haig School, I wanted to be an artist also. I knew I wanted to be an artist forever.

Question: If I want to be an artist what should I do?

Answer: You have to draw and color a lot. Practicing drawing a lot is very important. Look at a lot of art. Play around with art materials and pencils. Start with paint, and then you can do pastels.

Question: Do you have to know how to draw to be an artist?

Answer: I think you have to know how to draw, because it is an important element in art. You don't have to know how to draw if you don't want to.

Question: Did you go to a special school to become an artist?

Answer: No, but I took many art classes. I went to a school at Hunter College and took art classes there.

Question: What makes your art unique or different from everyone else's work?

Answer: I look at my own art most of the time, so it is hard to see if my art is unique or different from everyone else's work. I don't see other people's art a lot. Sometimes it is hard to see how my art is different from other people's art.

Question: What is the best and the worst part of being an artist?

Answer: The best part is you get to see the world in a special way. The worst part is that sometimes you feel different.

Question: What do you want people to see in your art?

Answer: I want them to see whatever they see. I just want them to think about art and imagine.

Question: What artist has really impressed you?

Answer: I really like Van Gogh. He was a famous artist before we were even born. I also really like my teachers.

See what's going on at the Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum

This page was written by Melody M.
This page was edited by Matthew R.

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