CyberFair 2000 Project
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Carpinteria, California, USA

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Project Narrative Information Sources

Interview DARE Officer Miller.

Deputy Miller

What is your full name? William Ralston Miller

Were you named after anyone? Both grandfathers: Ralston James Castle and William Frederick Miller.

Where were you born? Redwood City, California.

What are your parent's names? John and Joyce.

What countries/states/cities did you grow up in? All over the United States - from Alaska to California to Pennsylvania.

What do you remember about the house that you lived in? Big backyard.

What do you remember most about your childhood? We traveled a lot.

What is your background? I was a Navy brat - meaning that my father was in the Navy and my family moved with him to every duty station.

Tell me about your family. I am the youngest of three children.

What is your family history and their roles in the community? My family lived for a long time in San Fransisco.

How long have these significant relatives lived here? 5 generations.

Are there some other people that have contributed to your success as a community leader? I recognize the contributions of my grandfather, Rally Castle, my parents, and my high school baseball coach.

Deputy Miller

Could you describe your profession to me? What do you do at your job? I teach the DARE program at schools and I perform law enforcement services.

Describe the activities in which you are currently involved.- I teach the kids in school and talk to different groups in Santa Barbara county.

Deputy Miller

What path did you take to become a leader? College and the SB Sheriff's Office.

What does the term "Civic Leadership" mean to you? Providing a good example to the community.

Could you list and describe the changes or contributions you have made to the community? Enforcing Narcotic laws for many years and now teaching. I hope to have influenced our community.

Describe any changed that have taken place since you became a leader. I have grown older!

How long have you been involved with the community? 15 years.

Do you enjoy your job? Very much!

Do you like teaching? More than any of my other jobs.

Do you have any hobbies? Playing squash and going to car races.

What kids think about Officer Miller: Our Dare officer teaches us about drugs and how to deal with drugs and bad people. Our whole school likes him even our teachers. I like him too. I know he teaches kids to deal with problems at home and school.

When he is not at our school he is at work on the streets as a cop. He has been working as a cop for 22 years. During his free time he plays Squash. He has a wife and a baby girl and a house. I hope his daughter grows up to be a good girl just like him. He works for the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department.

This page was written by Vito S.
This page was edited by Jorge G.

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