CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
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Project Narrative Information Sources

Mike Vitullo - Volunteer for the Carpinteria Lyon's Club

Mike Vitullo

By Luis M.

Q: What is you full name?

A: Mike Vitullo

Q: Were you named after anyone?

A: Named after his uncle.

Q: Where were you born?

A: Born in Pennsylvania

Q: What are your parent's names?

A: Joe and Roo.

Q: What countries/states/cities did you grow up in?

A: Grew up in New York City, NY

Q: What do you remember about the house you lived in?

A: It had a basement under the first floor.

Q: What do you remember about your childhood?

A:Riding the subway to school.

Q: What is your background?

A: He is an electrical engineer.

Q: Tell me about your family?

A: His dad was an architect and his mom was a spy.

Q: What is your family background, personal history (grandparents, great grandparents, relatives) and their roles in the community?

A: His grandfather made the atomic bomb.

Q: How long have these significant relatives lived here?

A: His family goes back 250 years.

Q: What previous professions have you had?

A: A policeman.

Q: Are there some other people that have contributed to your success as a community leader? How have they influenced you?

A: friend, Doctor Dirt

Q: Could you describe your profession to me? What do you do at your job?

A: He is the boss of a factory

Q: What is your address and phone of your business?

A: Ventura, CA (805) 676-3200

Q: Described the activities in which you are currently involved?

A: Cub Scout Leader

Q: What path did you take to become a leader?

A: Followed his friends

Q: What does the term "Civic Leadership" mean to you?

A: Do something for some one else.

Q: Could you list and describe the changes or contributions you have made to the community?

A: Did the sight screening.

Q: How long have you been involved with the community?

A: About 10 years

Q: Tell me something unusual that has happened to you?

A: He went to China.

This page was written by Luis M.

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