CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
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Community Services

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Project Narrative Information Sources

Interview with Mr. Ravi

Were you named after anyone? His name means the sun.

Where were you born? Born in India.

If you weren't born in the U.S., when did you arrive here? Arrived here when he was a child.

What are your parent's names? Ling and V.J.

What countries/states/cities did you grow up in? Grew up in Michigan

What do you remember about the house you lived in? It had a pool.

What do you remember most about your childhood? Sleeping and playing nintendo.

What is your background? He is Indian

Tell me about your family? They are nice and loving family.

What is your family history? They are fist generation Indians.

How long have these significant relatives lived here? For a long time.

What previous professions have they had? They were students before.

Are there people that have contributed to your success as a community leader? His parents and family have been very supportive to him.

Could you describe your profession to me and what you do at your job? He is a student and he studies many different subjects and he takes part in several different activities.

Describe the activities in which you are currently involved? He takes part in public survice and he writes for the school newspaper.

What path did you take to become a leader? Being deternined compassionate and friendly.

What does the term "Civic Leadership" mean to you? It means being a leader to a community.

Could you list and describe the changes or contributions you have made to the community? He as sever as a mentor and friend to the younger members of the community.

Describe any changes that have taken place since you became a leader? He's got more support for public service.

How long have you been involved with the community in your current position? Several years.

His favorite places is Main School.

His favorite movie is Forrest Grump.

His favorite sport is tennis or swimming.

This page was written by Antonio M.

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