CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
Arts & Entertainment
Sports & Recreation
Community Services

About This Site
Who Made This Site?
Why an Avocado Tree?
Project Narrative Information Sources

Interview with Tom Whittaker

Tom Whittaker

What is your full name?

Thomas Andrew Whittaker

Where were you born?


What are your parent's names?

Roy and Jean

What countries/states/cities did you grow up in?

California and Hawaii

What do you remember most about your childhood?


Tell me about your family?

1 brother and 1 sister

What is your family background, personal history and their roles in the community?

Father lives in California

How long have these significant relatives lived here?

25 years

Are there some other people that have contributed to your success as a community leader?

I became involved because of my daughters being born.

Could you describe your profession to me? What do you do at your job?

I sell washers and dryers and build laundromats.

Describe the activities in which you are currently involved?

Stadium committee for school district.

What path did you take to become a leader?

Chamber of Commerce.

What does the term "Civic Leadership" mean to you?

Taking responsibility for making sure we live in a healthy, productive community.

Could you list and describe the changes or contributions you have made to the community?

Tree lighting ceremony, Downtown redevelopment, Beach concerts.

Describe any changes that have taken place since you became a leader?

Downtown changes, beach concerts and tree lighting.

How long have you been involved with the community?

9 years

Tell me something unusual that has happened to you?

I had a bicycle accident when I was learning to ride.

This page was written by Caitlyn W.
This page was edited by Stephanie A.

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