CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
Arts & Entertainment
Sports & Recreation
Community Services

About This Site
Who Made This Site?
Why an Avocado Tree?
Project Narrative Information Sources

Walter S. Barrows, Sr., Ph.D. (A.K.A. Dr. Dirt)

Walter S. Barrows


Q: What is you full name?

A: Walter S. Barrows

Q: Were you named after anyone?

A: Named after his dad and his grandfather

Q: Where were you born?

A: Long Beach, CA - April 1933

Q: What are your parent's names?

A: Walter and Claris

Q: What countries/states/cities did you grow up in?

A: He has lived his life in California; San Diego, Escondido, Bell Flower, Whittier, and San Pedro.

Q: What do you remember about the house you lived in?

A: He remembered it was a big house; and the firehouse and it had a Botanical garden.

Q: What do you remember most about your childhood?

A: He was chosen to be in Cub Scouts and Boys Scouts. He was a drum major in the High School band.

Q: What is your background?

A: English ancestors

Q: Tell me about your family?

A: He had a brother.

Q: What are your family background, personal history (grandparents, great grandparents, relatives) and their roles in the community?

A: He is married and he has 5 children. His grandfather was a nurseryman and his other grandfather was a butcher. They were in Barkley, Nebraska. He has been a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout Master. He was a chairman against Carpinteria for city hood. His father has passed away, he was 96 years old.

Q: Could you describe your profession to me?

A: He has been a farmer, landscaper, agri-hort consultant and testing expert.

Q: What is your address and phone of your business?

A: Landscapes by Barrows, Inc. 7406 Stanley Park Rd., Carpinteria, CA 93013

Q: Describe the activities in which you are currently involved?

A: Lions Club and Masons.

This page was written by Bertha R.

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