CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
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By Vito S.

Liz Lopez

Were you named after anyone? Middle name is my mother's name.

Where were you born? Bisbee, Arizona.

What are your parents' names? Edward Lopez and Alma Gardoni

What do you remember most about your childhood? I can remember spending lots of my time with family.

What do you remember about the place where you grew up? I remember playing in the mountains of Bisbee.

What is your background? I have a degree in theater and a teaching credential. I am a fellow of The South Coast Writing Project, the Tri-County Math Project and the South Coast Science Project.

Tell me about your family? I have two sons, and I have a brother and sister. I have a large extended family. My grandfther was from Italy, and my great grandparents were from Mexico.

What previous professions have they had? Father - Federal Special Investigator for Mine Safety and Health - Retired. Mother- Bilingual Special Education

Are there people that have contributed to your success as a community leader? My two sons. I spend a lot of time working, so they share me. They also gave me my first experiences in teaching.

What is your profession? I teach 5th grade here at Main School.

Describe the activities in which you are currently involved. I am a teacher advisor for the Main School Newspaper Club. I am also teaching 5th grade everyday. I am a CAFT representative for our school, and I am involved with SCWriP

What path did you take to become a leader? In order to become a teacher I went to to college, and then had to get ateaching credential.

What does the term "Civic Leadership" mean to you? It means helping kids to become responsible citizens.

Could you list and describe the changes or contributions you have made to the community? I wrote a song about Carpinteria that students at Main School sing. The song is about being proud of our community.

Describe any changes that have taken place since you became a leader. Since I started working at Main School, I have seen a big increase in school pride and community pride among our students.

How long have you been involved with the community in your current position? I've been teaching in Carpinteria for 8 1/2 years.

This page was written by Vito S.

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