CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
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Letty Pulido

Where were you born? Oxnard, California

What are your parents' names? Alex and Anita Pulido

Where did you grow up? Santa Cruz, Aptos and Ventura.

What do you remember about the house you lived in? It was close to the beach and large enough to fit our big family.

What do you remember most about your childhood? I remember always playing with barbies and spending a lot of time with my family and friends. Hanging around the neighborhood.

What is your background? I am the youngest of five girls and all our names start with the letter "L". All my sisters are three years apart, and we are very close.

What is your family history? My mom's parents are seventh generation Californians and my father's mother was born in Los Angeles and his father was born in Mexico. My father is very involved in the educational system in our schools.

How long have these relatives lived here? My relatives have lived here most of their lives.

What previous professions have they had? My mother was a private duty nurse and a hairdresser. My father has worked as a principal, superintendent and many other positions in the education field.

Are there people that have contributed to your success as a community leader? My parents have been a big influence in my life. They have contributed to my success as a soon-to-be teacher. My father is a great role model and as always stressed education. My mother and father always stressed strong family values.

Could you describe your profession to me and what you do at your job? I assist teachers in class and help students in whatever they need help in.

Describe the activities in which you are currently involved. I attend Cal State Northridge where I'm working on my teaching credential. I'm also involved with my son's sports.

This page was written by Jacob D.

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