CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
Arts & Entertainment
Sports & Recreation
Community Services

About This Site
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Why an Avocado Tree?
Project Narrative Information Sources

Patricia Ann Almaguer

Patsy Almaguer

Were you named after anyone? My Great Grandmothers

Where were you born? Behind by Grandmothers Sofa.

What are your parent's names? Lawrence and Pauline Almaguer

What countries/states/cities did you grow up in? Guadeloupe and Carpinteria, California

What do you remember about the house you lived in? It was a warm and full of love. I grew up with my grandma and grandpa.

What do you remember most about your childhood? Driving my grandparents crazy.

Tell me about your family? I have one son who's in his 2nd year of college. I have a boyfriend that I have been with for 18 years. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters.

What is you family's role in the community? My uncle was mayor of Guadalupe and Santa Maria for 6 years.

Could you describe your profession to me and what you do at your job? I work at Main School. I work on the play ground and cafeteria and in the office. I also do a program after school. It is called the After School Safe Neighborhood Program.

Patsy Almaguer

Describe the activities in which you are currently involved? I sell Avon. I also do scrapebooking, arts and crafts. I like making soaps and candles. I work and live at Main School!!!! I LOVE MY JOB AND THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH!.

Patsy Almaguer

Tell me something unusual that has happened to you? I fell down and broke my arm and wrist. But it didn't heal right so the doctor had to rebreak it 4 more times!

Would you like to have an email link on our site? Yes,

This page was written by Rogelio J.
This page was edited by Juan M.

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