CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
Arts & Entertainment
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Community Services

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Project Narrative Information Sources

Interview with Cristina Carreņo Martin.

Cristina Carreņo Martin

What is your full name?

Cristina Carreņo Martin

Were you named after anyone?

No, my parents liked the name

Where were you born?

Santa Barbara, California - at Cottage Hospital

What are your parent's names?

Charlotte Sanchez - mother, Joaquin Carreņo Jr. - father

Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Carpinteria

What do you remember most about your childhood?

My Easy Bake Oven and Betty Crocker Cookbook. Started cooking for my family at the age of 10

Tell me about your family?

I am the oldest of 4 children. 2 brothers and one sister.

What is your family background, personal history?

My grandfather, Joaquin Sr., laid most of the older sidewalks in Santa Barbara. He sold his business.

How long have these significant relatives lived here? My father's parents raised my father in Mexico until he was 5. My mother's parents moved to Carpinteria in the mid-40's.

Who are the people that have contributed to your success as a community leader?

Sister, parents, teachers and the church.

Could you describe your profession to me? What do you do at your job?

Retirement planning for teachers- 403b plans.

Describe the activities in which you are currently involved?

I am involved with the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. I am also in school full time at night working on B5 Business Management. I will go to law school after I receive my business degree.

What path did you take to become a leader?

By becoming involved in the activities of my sister Angela White when she was a student.

What does the term Civic Leadership mean to you?

Getting involved in the governmental process.

Could you list and describe the changes or contributions you have to made to the community?

Community pool

Describe any changes that have taken place since you became a leader?

I think the biggest change is in myself. I am not afraid to meet new people or speak in front of a group.

How long have you been involved with the community?

Over 20 years.

Tell me something unusual that has happened to you?

I foiled a bank robbery in Carpinteria.

 You can email Cristina at

Visit the web site at Plan Member Services

This page was written by Michael G.
This page was edited by Miguel R.

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