CyberFair 2000 Project
Main School
Carpinteria, California, USA

Carpinteria Valley Leaders
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Why an Avocado Tree?
Project Narrative Information Sources

Lucy M.'s Web Page!

Lucy M.

Hello! My name is Lucy. My family moved into Carpinteria in 1867. They came because it was the end of the civil war and they couldn't farm in the south because of the war. Their names were Lua Thurmond and J. R. Thurmond. In the south there had been slavery so they didn't know how to do a lot of things. Lua didn't know how to wash clothes so she washed them all in the ocean. That ruined all their clothes. They planted many crops. Their first crop was pampas grass, then walnuts, after that they planted lima beans, after that lemons, and at last their final crop was avocados. Electricity came to Carpinteria in 1916. I grew up in Northern California, about an hour from San Francisco. I was born in 1990 at the Stanford Hospital. I spent all my summers in Carpinteria and moved to Carpinteria in 1997.

I participated in the Main School CyberFair 2000 project in the following ways:

I wrote the leader profile for William Carty

View more students from Mr. Riley's class